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Publicaties 2004

Publicaties 2004:

  • Arens R, Nolte MA, Tesselaar K, Heemskerk B, Reedquist KA, van Lier RAW, van Oers MHJ. Signaling through CD70 regulates B cell activation and IgG production. J IMMUNOL 2004;173(6):3901-3908.     [ PubMed ]


  • Arens R, Schepers K, Nolte MA, van Oosterwijk MF, van Lier RAW, Schumacher TNM, van Oers MHJ. Tumor rejection induced by CD70-mediated quantitative and qualitative effects on effector CD8+ T cell formation. J EXP MED 2004;199(11):1595-1605.     [ PubMed ]


  • Bilgin YM, van de Watering LMG, Eijsman L, Versteegh MIM, Brand R, van Oers MHJ, Brand A. Double-blind, randomized controlled trial on the effect of leukocyte-depleted erythrocyte transfusions in cardiac valve surgery. CIRCULATION 2004;109(22):2755-2760.     [ PubMed ]


  • de Jong D, Glas A, Kersten MJ. Genexpressieprofilering bij lymfomen. NED TIJDSCHR HEMATOL 2004;-(3):106-112.  


  • Derksen PWB, Tjin E, Meijer HP, Klok MD, MacGillavry HD, van Oers MHJ, Lokhorst HM, Bloem AC, Clevers H, Nusse R, van der Neut R, Spaargaren M, Pals ST. Illegitimate WNT signaling promotes proliferation of multiple myeloma cells. P NATL ACAD SCI USA 2004;101(16):6122-6127.     [ PubMed ]


  • Dijkstra-Tiekstra MJ, Pietersz RNI, Reesink HW, van der Schoot CE. Influence of cell-free DNA in plasma on real-time polymerase chain reaction for determination of residual leucocytes in platelet concentrates. VOX SANG 2004;86(2):130-135.     [ PubMed ]


  • Dijkstra-Tiekstra MJ, van der Schoot CE, Pietersz RNI, Huijgens PC, van der Meer PF, Reesink HW. Development of white blood cell fragments, during the preparation and storage of platelet concentrates, as measured by using real-time polymerase chain reaction. VOX SANG 2004;87(4):250-256.     [ PubMed ]


  • Eldering E, Mackus WJM, Derks IAM, Evers LM, Beuling E, Teeling P, Lens SMA, van Oers MHJ, van Lier RAW. Apoptosis via the B cell antigen receptor requires Bax translocation and involves mitochondrial depolarization, cytochrome C release, and caspase-9 activation. EUR J IMMUNOL 2004;34(7):1950-1960.     [ PubMed ]


  • Hazenberg MD, Otto SA, van Rossum AMC, Scherpbier HJ, de Groot R, Kuijpers TW, Lange JMA, Hamann D, de Boer RJ, Borghans JAM, Miedema F. Establishment of the CD4(+) T-cell pool in healthy children and untreated children infected with HIV-1. BLOOD 2004;104(12):3513-3519.     [ PubMed ]


  • Kater AP, Evers LM, Remmerswaal EBM, Jaspers A, Oosterwijk MF, van Lier RAW, van Oers MHJ, Eldering E. CD40 stimulation of B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia cells enhances the anti-apoptotic profile, but also Bid expression and cells remain susceptible to autologous cytotoxic T-lymphocyte attack. BRIT J HAEMATOL 2004;127(4):404-415.     [ PubMed ]


  • Kater AP, Remmerswaal EBM, Nolte MA, Eldering E, van Oers MHJ, van Lier RAW. Autologous cytomegalovirus-specific T cells as effector cells in immunotherapy of B cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. BRIT J HAEMATOL 2004;126(4):512-516.     [ PubMed ]


  • Kersten MJ , de Jong D, Raemaekers JMM, Kluin PM, Hagenbeek A. Beyond the International Prognostic Index: new prognostic factors in follicular lymphoma and diffuse large-cell lymphoma A meeting report of the Second International Lunenburg. HEMATOLOGY 2004;5(3):202-208.  


  • Kersten MJ, Jong Dd Dd, Raemaekers JMM, Kluin PM, Hagenbeek A. Beyond the International Prognostic Index: new prognostic factors in follicular lymphoma and diffuse large-cell lymphoma A meeting report of the Second International Lunenburg Lymphoma Workshop. HEMATOL J 2004;5(3):202-208.     [ PubMed ]


  • Kluin-Nelemans HC, Buck G, le Cessie S, Richards S, Beverloo HB, Falkenburg JHF, Littlewood T, Muus PJ, Bareford D, van der Lelie H , Green AR, Roozendaal KJ, Milne AE, Chapman CS, Shepherd P. Randomized comparison of low-dose versus high-dose interferon-alfa in chronic myeloid leukemia: prospective collaboration of 3 joint trials by the MRC and HOVON groups. BLOOD 2004;103(12):4408-4415.  


  • Koot RW, de Heer K, Oort FJ, Hulshof MCCM, Bosch DA, de Haes JCJM. Quality of life after brachytherapy in patients with glioblastoma multiforme. EUR J CANCER 2004;40(7):1013-1020.     [ PubMed ]


  • Kruyt MC, Stijns MMC, Fedorovich NE, de Bruijn JD, van Blitterswijk CA, Verbout AJ, Rozemuller H, Hagenbeek A, Dhert WJA, Martens ACM. Genetic marking with the DeltaLNGFR-gene for tracing goat cells in bone tissue engineering. J ORTHOP RES 2004;22(4):697-702.     [ PubMed ]


  • Lokhorst HM, Wu K, Verdonck LF, Laterveer LL, van de Donk NWCJ, van Oers MHJ, Cornelissen JJ, Schattenberg AV. The occurrence of graft-versus-host disease is the major predictive factor for response to donor lymphocyte infusions in multiple myeloma. BLOOD 2004;103(11):4362-4364.     [ PubMed ]


  • Mellink CHM, Alders M, van der Lelie H , Hennekam RHC, Kuijpers TW. SBDS mutations and isochromosome 7q in a patient with Shwachman-Diamond syndrome: no predisposition to malignant transformation?. CANCER GENET CYTOGEN 2004;154(2):144-149.     [ PubMed ]


  • Nolte MA, Arens R, Kraus M, van Oers MHJ, Kraal G, van Lier RAW, Mebius RE. B cells are crucial for both development and maintenance of the splenic marginal zone. J IMMUNOL 2004;172(6):3620-3627.     [ PubMed ]


  • Otten HG, van Ginkel WGJ, Hagenbeek A, Petersen EJ. Prevalence and clinical significance of resistance to perforin- and FAS-mediated cell death in leukemia. LEUKEMIA 2004;18(8):1401-1405.     [ PubMed ]


  • Piriou ER, van Dort K, Nanlohy NM, Miedema F, van Oers MH, van Baarle D. Altered EBV viral load setpoint after HIV seroconversion is in accordance with lack of predictive value of EBV load for the occurrence of AIDS-related non-Hodgkin lymphoma. J IMMUNOL 2004;172(11):6931-6937.     [ PubMed ]


  • Rijnders RJ, Christiaens GC, de Haas M, van der Schoot CE. Foetaal DNA in maternaal bloed. NED TIJDSCHR GENEESKD 2004;148(4):170-174.     [ PubMed ]


  • Rijnders RJP, Christiaens GCML, Bossers B, van der Smagt JJ, van der Schoot CE, de Haas M. Clinical applications of cell-free fetal DNA from maternal plasma. OBSTET GYNECOL 2004;103(1):157-164.     [ PubMed ]


  • Rijnders RJP, Christiaens GCML, Soussan AA, van der Schoot CE. Cell-free fetal DNA is not present in plasma of nonpregnant mothers. CLIN CHEM 2004;50(3):679-681.     [ PubMed ]


  • Rozemuller H, Knaän-Shanzer S, Hagenbeek A, van Bloois L, Storm G, Martens ACM. Enhanced engraftment of human cells in RAG2/gammac double-knockout mice after treatment with CL2MDP liposomes. EXP HEMATOL 2004;32(11):1118-1125.     [ PubMed ]


  • Solal-Céligny P, Roy P, Colombat P, White J, Armitage JO, Arranz-Saez R, Au WY, Bellei M, Brice P, Caballero D, Coiffier B, Conde-Garcia E, Doyen C, Federico M, Fisher RI, Garcia-Conde JF, Guglielmi C, Hagenbeek A, Haïoun C, LeBlanc M, Lister AT, Lopez-Guillermo A, McLaughlin P, Milpied N, Morel P, Mounier N, Proctor SJ, Rohatiner A, Smith P, Soubeyran P, Tilly H, Vitolo U, Zinzani PL, Zucca E, Montserrat E. Follicular lymphoma international prognostic index. BLOOD 2004;104(5):1258-1265.     [ PubMed ]


  • ter Horst SAJ, Wagenaar GTM, de Boer E, van Gastelen MA, Meijers JCM, Biemond BJ, Poorthuis BJHM, Walther FJ. Pentoxifylline reduces fibrin deposition and prolongs survival in neonatal hyperoxic lung injury. J APPL PHYSIOL 2004;97(5):2014-2019.     [ PubMed ]


  • Tijssen MR, van der Schoot CE, Voermans C, Zwaginga JJ. The (patho)physiology of megakaryocytopoiesis: from thrombopoietin in diagnostics and therapy to ex vivo generated cellular products. VOX SANG 2004;87(Suppl. 2):52-55.     [ PubMed ]


  • van Agthoven M, Uyl-de Groot CA, Sonneveld P, Hagenbeek A. Economic assessment in the management of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. EXPERT OPIN PHARMACO 2004;5(12):2529-2548.     [ PubMed ]


  • van Asten L, Danisman F, Otto SA, Borghans JAM, Hazenberg MD, Coutinho RA, Prins M, Miedema F. Pre-seroconversion immune status predicts the rate of CD4 T cell decline following HIV infection. AIDS 2004;18(14):1885-1893.     [ PubMed ]


  • van Buul JD. Signaling in leokocyte transendothelial migration: a roadmap for homing of progenitor cells. S.l.: s.n.; 2004. (149pp.) (PhD thesis. Supervisor(s):  Roos D; co-supervisor(s):  Hordijk PL, van der Schoot CE) [ UvA Dissertations Online ]


  • van Buul JD, Mul FPJ, van der Schoot CE, Hordijk PL. ICAM-3 activation modulates cell-cell contacts of human bone marrow endothelial cells. J VASC RES 2004;41(1):28-37.     [ PubMed ]


  • van de Donk NWCJ, de Weerdt O, Veth G, Eurelings M, van Stralen E, Frankel SR, Hagenbeek A, Bloem AC, Lokhorst HM. G3139, a Bcl-2 antisense oligodeoxynucleotide, induces clinical responses in VAD refractory myeloma. LEUKEMIA 2004;18(6):1078-1084.     [ PubMed ]


  • van der Schoot CE. Molecular diagnostics in immunohaematology. VOX SANG 2004;87(Suppl. 2):189-192.     [ PubMed ]


  • Weijtens M, van Spronsen A, Hagenbeek A, de Weger R, Martens A. Ganciclovir-mediated elimination of HSV-Tk+ T cells and cure of graft-vs-host disease in an allogeneic bone marrow transplantation model in the rat. EXP HEMATOL 2004;32(10):962-969.     [ PubMed ]