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Hovon 103 studie


Titel: the tolerability and efficacy of the addition of new drugs to standard induction chemotherapy in AML and RAEB > 66 years and very poor risk AML > 18 years.

NB Study on hold.
As of now, 28 dec 2018, no new patients can be informed about the study and/or included until the interim analysis has been performed.When the interim analysis shows that the study can be continued, inclusion of patients will be resumed.We expect to have these results in April 2019 and rely on your cooperation to submit data to the e-CRF as soon as possible for patients included in your hospital.


Safety informatie:

  • Emergency contact: ...

  • Niet geregistreerde geneesmiddelen:

  • Geregistreerde geneesmiddelen: zie farmaco therapeutisch kompas of neem contact op met apotheek

BEACONprotocol beschikbaar: ja

Principal Investigator AMC: Bart Biemond

Studie coordinator: Rob Liu

Aanmelden van patienten bij trialbureau hematologie (sein 59255, hemat.trial@amc.nl)


Onder beheer van afdeling: 